It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

WE GOT OUR TREE!! The holiday season has now officially begun in the Eichermueller house. We went trudging through the snow, up a great big mountain to find the perfect tree! We chopped it down and took it home. I am making this sound waaay easier than it actually was…. Driving up a steep mountain covered in snow is hard, but we were in our friend’s truck who plowed the snow like a pro. The way down on the other hand was a challenge. A stupid truck was sticking out in the road… they did NOT pull over enough AT ALL. So we had to go around and slid right off the road…. BOOM!! Off the road and down a ravine rolling the truck 5 times before we crawled out!!!

Okay, that’s not true, we just slid into a ditch. And the other truck had a tow rope to pull us out. At least they pulled us out. They did realize that if they weren’t there it wouldn’t have happened which was cool. We got home, put up the tree in our living room and WHACK! It hit the ceiling and it caved in and now we have a skylight in our living room!!!

Alrighty, that’s not really true either. We actually just had to cut off another 2 feet of the tree and now it fits nicely in our front window. We haven’t decorated it yet because we were exhausted from our day but I was able to get some lights and the angel on it before collapsing on the carpet not breathing! Chris had to do rescue breathes on me!! MOUTH TO MOUTH!!

🙂 Tonight we will put all our pretty ornaments on and then it will officially offically be Christmas in the Eichermueller house. 🙂

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